Zano Inspire

Zano Inspire is a compressor type nebulizer,…


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What should we know about asthma in children? 

An asthma diagnosis fills every parent with fear. Asthma can be a serious disease, but it’s important to know that if you’re aware of and can react in a timely manner to first symptoms, it’s very possible that treatment and the severity of the condition can be much easier to manage. 

On a global scale, asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. Bronchial asthma means there is chronic airway inflammation and hyperreactivity seen through spasms and swelling, making it difficult to breathe. Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of asthmatic patients amongst the young and elderly (1), possibly due to a global struggle with air pollution.      

With these increasing cases it’s important that all parents are familiar with and can identify the most common symptoms, what factors influence the onset and course of the disease, what can bring relief and how to protect your child’s condition from worsening. Read below to find out.

Symptoms vary throughout each child, but the most common begins with a frequent cough that worsens under certain conditions. Here are the symptoms you should pay attention to:

• Whistling sound when exhaling 

• Experiencing a lack of air/gasping for air 

• Feeling of tightness in the chest & fatigue  

• Frequent and persistent cough: which worsens with a viral infection; with physical exertion; when the child is exposed to cold air; during sleep 

• Sometimes asthma can be the cause of restless sleep in children 

• Your child may find it difficult to participate in sports and play due to shortness of breath 

Asthma is thought to largely be heredity. In families where one parent has an allergic burden of some sorts (patients with asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, food allergies), the risk of your child developing asthma is significantly higher. If both parents are predisposed to such genetics, the risk for their child becomes double. 

Besides genes, there are additional factors which can unlock the disease. Typically, this begins through viral infections. Polluted air and exposure to cigarette smoke also pose such risks. Hay fever and allergic reactions to allergens such as dust are also associated with provoking asthma. Sometimes pets can also contribute to the activation of the disease. 

It’s crucial to start treatment as early as possible to prevent further complications and overall severity. Parents and children should be prepared that this is typically a long-term process. Treatments aim to control inflammation in the airways. The most commonly used medications are corticosteroids. Most doctors begin by prescribing weaker medications or lower doses and, after a period of monitoring, increase doses as needed. Immunotherapy is often prescribed as a side-by-side treatment, with the aim of strengthening the child’s organism and reducing the frequency of inflammations.  

Various forms of inhalations are also often recommended. When at home or on the go, it can be very effective and convenient to use a compressor type inhaler, known as a nebuliser. These are electric machines that spray a fine, liquid mist of medicine through a mouthpiece or mask. The only disadvantage parents can face with it, is that most nebulisers can be noisy. This in turn can scare smaller children from wanting to use them. Fortunately, with Zano Inspire, this problem is solved – the model has been specially made to be quiet (55 db) so as to not cause stress to children. It also comes with decorative stickers, to help your child personalise and personify their new trusted friend. Zano Inspire is compact and portable, making it as easy as possible for parents of children suffering from asthma and other respiratory problems. 

To protect complications, it’s important to know how to control asthma and reduce the frequency of attacks to a minimum. 

The first step is to try and identify any possible irritants that trigger or worsen your child’s condition. Dust and dust mites are some of the most common household triggers. Keep your home clean by cleaning and wiping surfaces regularly with a damp cloth, without any aggressive detergents. It’s also recommended to change bed linen often.

Clean air is very important for children with asthma. Make sure to properly ventilate your home regularly and take your child for walks in nature whenever possible. Also make sure to give them small sips of water or warm teas regularly. Teas that have been found to be effective for asthma include ginger, green tea, black tea, eucalyptus, fennel and licorice tea.

 In the presence of a viral infection, asthma is often triggered and can lead to coughing, wheezing, and edema. When this happens, always put your child to sleep with one or two extra pillows so that the swelling does not worsen at night. A steam bath or the use of a saline inhaler can also improve the condition significantly, moistening and relaxing the airways to reduce the risk of an attack. 

And remember that if your child has asthma, there is a good chance that the symptoms will spontaneously disappear over the years. With as much effort as possible to control and prevent attacks and triggers, this can be very likely (2). Adhering to the prescribed treatment, providing your child with fresh air, exercise, can reduce the risk of frequent infections. All of this will greatly improve your child’s quality of life and the chances that symptoms and flare-ups will subside as they grow.  

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